mí soakue / 󱛘󱚰󱛊󱚹󱛛󱛓󱚺󱛃󱛍󱚺󱛄󱚲󱛍󱚴󱛓󱛙




this updates every day. it used to update every 6 hours, but github actions scheduling is not very precise.

kuaq kıe jí mí Sofıa lä soa muoja já ka :3


= head searches just the words themselves. there are a couple fancy things you can do with this:

* matches anything (or nothing, i.e. it's /.*/)
? matches any single letter, /[aeıoumpbfntdczsrljꝡqkg'h]|[ncs]h/i
CVFQ match their refgram definitions (note that VV ⊋ F)
R matches a raku
_ matches a space
()[]| work like in regex

iı, vw, x'

~ is similar but will also match word-internally: ~◌ = =*◌*

@ user searches word authors

# id finds the word with id x

/ arity finds definitions with x slots

$ scope shows words defined under a particular language code

! - not negate a query, e.g. -@official

^ score finds definitions with at least +x votes. you can do !^ for less than x, and ^= for exactly x.

things you can't do here

anything that requires logging in